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Wagram, battle of (1809)
Walewska, Marie (1789-1817)
Warren, John Borlase (1753-1822)
Warsaw -- entry into (1807)
Washington, George (1732-1799)
Waterloo, Battle of (18 June 1815)
Waterloo, Battle of Ligny (1815)
Waterloo, Battle of Quatre-Bras (16 June 1815)
Waterloo, Belgium
Waterloo, Frischermont
Waterloo, Genappe (1815)
Waterloo, Hougoumont
Waterloo, Jemappes
Waterloo, La Belle Alliance
Waterloo, La Haye-Sainte
Waterloo, Mont Saint Jean
Waterloo, Quatre Bras
Waterloo, The Observatory
Waterloo, Valetta Cottage
Waterloo, Wellington Tree
Wattignies, Battle of (15-17 October 1793)
Wedding of Napoleon and Josephine (1804)
Wedding of Napoleon and Marie-Louise (2 April 1810)
Weimar, Louise, grand-duchess of (1757-1830)
Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of (1769-1852)
Wertingen, Battle of (1805)
Westminster Hall and Bridge
Whitworth, Charles, Lord (1752-1825)
Whitworth, Lord (1752-1825)
William I of Orange (1772-1843)
William II, Prince of Orange (1792-1849)
Wilson, Sir Robert (1777-1840)
Witepsk, battle of (1812)
Wolsey, Thomas, Cardinal (1471-1530)
Wortley Montague, Lady Mary (1689-1762)
Wurschen, Battle of (1813)
Wurtzburg, Ferdinand III, grand duke of (1769-1824)

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