1. Select the Type of Index that you would like to peruse: Prints, Books, or Maps.
2. After making your selection, a "Browse By:" option will appear. The options will vary depending on the type of index you have selected.
For Prints, you can browse the index by Artist, Subject or Work.
For Books, you can browse the index by Author or Subject.
For Maps, you can browse the index by Author or Subject.
2b. If you have selected Prints and then Browse by: Subject , you will be prompted to make a further selection of Subject Type.
You will ONLY have to make this selection if you have chosen to browse Prints by Subject.
The Subject type: options are Person, Place, Event, General, or All.
3. After having selected an Index <Prints, Books or Maps>, and how you would like to browse it, your results will be presented alphabetically. By default all results starting with "A" will be displayed. To select results starting with a different letter, merely click on that letter, and the index will refresh itself.
Please note that there will not necessarily be results for every letter under every possible browsing option. In this case the message " No Subjects Found! " will appear, indicating that there are no holdings of that selected type that begin with the letter selected.
4. Selecting any of the indexed results will generate a results page containing all entries associated with that selection.
The length of time required to process your request may vary depending on a variety of factors. In particular, selections with a large number of results <" Napoleon I, Emperor of the French (1769-1821) "> will take longer to process than requests with fewer results <"Lauro Quirini">.
Additionally, factors such as connection speed and your computer's specifications may result in slower performance.