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Tagliamento, Passage and Battle of the (16 March 1797)
Tagus, Battle near (1812) Peninsular War
Talavera, Battle of (1809)
Tann, Battle of (1809)
Tarragona, Siege and Surrender of (1811)
Tarvis, Battle of (1796)
Tolentino, Treaty of (17 February 1797)
Toplitz, Battle near (1813)
Torres Vedras (1809-1810)
Toulon, Siege of (27 August - 19 December 1793)
Toulouse, Battle of (10 April 1814)
Tourcoing, Battle of (17-18 May 1794)
Trafalgar, Naval Battle of (21 October 1805)
Trebbia, Battle at the (17-19 July)
Tudela, Battle of (23 November 1808)
Turenne, Henri de la Tour d'Auvergne, vicomte de (1611-1675) -- translation of ashes of (1808)
Turin, Entry of the French into (10 December 1798)

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