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Paris -- Defense of
Paris -- entry of the Allies into (1814)
Paris -- entry of the Allies into (1815)
Paris, Ally occupation of (1815)
Pavia, revolt and taking of (1796)
Peace of 1802
Peace with the Princes of Italy (1796)
Peninsular War
Picton, Lieutenant-General Sir Thomas (1758-1815) -- death of
Pitt, William, the Younger (1759-1806) -- death of
Pius VII (1742-1823) -- arriving at Fontainebleau (25 November 1804)
Pius VII (1742-1823) -- in Captivity
Planned Invasion of Britain
Pô, Crossing of the, near Plaisance (8 May 1796)
Pombal, Battle of (11 March 1811)
Poniatowski, Prince Jozef (1763-1813) -- death of
Ponsonby, Sir William (1772-1815) -- death of
Presburg, Peace of (26 December 1805)
Provera, General -- made prisoner
Provins, Battle of (17 March 1814)
Pultusk, Battle of (26 December 1806)
Pyramids, Battle of the (21 July 1798)
Pyrenees, Battle of the (25 July-1 August 1813)

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