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Landshut, Battle of (21 April 1809)
Lannes, Jean, duc de Montebello (1769-1809) maréchal -- death of
Lasalle, Charles, comte de (1775-1809) général -- death of
Leipzig, Battle of (1813)
Leoben, Treaty of (1797)
Lerida, Battle, Siege and Surrender of (1810)
Lisbon, Entry into (1800)
Livorno, Defense of (1796)
Livorno, Entry of the French into (1796)
Loano, Battle of (1795)
Lobau, Napoleon on the island of (10 May-6 July 1809)
Lodi, Battle and Crossing of the Bridge of (1796)
Lonato, battle of (1796)
Louis, Prince of Prussia (1772-1806) -- death of (1806)
Lunéville, Treaty of (1801)
Lutzen, Battle of (1813)

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