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Hamilton, Lady Emma (c. 1766-1815)
Hardy, Captain Thomas Masterman (1769-1839)
Harrowby, Dudley Ryder, 1st Earl of (1762-1847)
Hatry, Jacques Maurice (1742-1802)
Hatzfeld, Prince of (1756-1827)
Hatzfeld, Princess of
Hautpoul, Jean-Joseph Ange d' (1754-1807)
Hazlitt, William (1778-1830)
Hédouville, Gabriel-Marie-Theodore-Joseph, Comte d' (1755-1825)
Henri IV, king of France (1553-1610)
Hérault de Séchelles, Marie Jean (1759-1794)
Hill, Lieutenant-General Lord Rowland (1772-1842)
Hoche, Louis Lazare (1768-1797)
Hohenlohe, Ludwig Aloysius, prince of Hohenlohe-Waldenburgi Bartenstein (1765-1829)
Hohenlohe, prince
Holland, Henry Richard Vassall Fox, Baron (1773-1840)
Hood, Admiral Alexander, First Viscount Bridbort (1727-1814)
Hood, Samuel, First Viscount Hood (1724-1816)
Houchard, Jean-Nicolas (1739-1793)
Howe, Admiral Richard (1726-1799)
Howe, Major General Sir William (1729-1814)
Hulin, Pierre-Auguste, General (1758-1841)
Humboldt, Alexander von (1769-1859)
Hume, David (1711-1776)

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