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Galba, Severius Sulpicius (c.5 B.C.-69 A.D.)
Gambier, James, Admiral Lord (1756-1833)
Ganteaume, Honoré Joseph, Contre-amiral (1755-1818)
Gardanne, Gaspard-Amédée (1758-1807) général
Gardner, Admiral Alan, First Baron (1742-1809)
Gauthier, Louise-Félicité-Marie-Charlotte (1770-1814)
Gawilghur, taking of the fort of (17 December 1803)
Gazzani, Madame
Geisberg, Battle of (26 December 1793)
Genlis, Stéphanie Félicité Du Crest de Saint Aubin, Madame de (1746-1830)
Genoa, Siege of (19 April - 4 June 1800)
George III, King of Great Britain (1738-1820)
George IV, Prince of Wales, then Prince Regent, then King, of Great Britain (1762-1830)
George, Marguerite Weimer, dite Mademoiselle George (1787-1867)
Gérard, Comte Étienne Maurice (1773-1852) maréchal
Gérard, François (1770-1837)
Ghilini, Christine
Gilly, Jacques-Laurent, comte (1769-1829) General
Girardin, Cécile-Stanislas-Xavier, Louis de (1762-1827)
Gneisenau, August Wilhelm Anton Graf Neidhardt von (1760-1831)
Gobert, Jacques-Nicolas (1760-1808), General
Godoy, Manuel, Principe de la Paz (1767-1851)
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749-1832)
Gohier, Louis Jérôme (1746-1830)
Goldsmith, Oliver (1728-1774)
Gordon, Colonel Alexander (?-1815)
Gortchakoff, Prince Alexander Mikhailovich, Chancellor of the Russian Empire (1798-1883)
Gourgaud, Gaspard (1783-1852) General
Gouvion Saint-Cyr, Laurent Dominique de, marquis (1769-1830) maréchal
Gower, Granville Levison, Marquis of Stafford (1773-1846)
Gradisca, Taking of the Fortress of (1797)
Grafton, Augustus Henry Fitzroy, Duke of (1735-1811)
Graham, Thomas, baron Lynedoch (1748-1843) Lieutenant General
Granville, Naval battle of (3 May 1806)
Granville, Siege of (1793)
Grassini, Giuseppina (1773-1850)
Great Chartreuse, near Grenoble
Grégoire du Colombier, Caroline (1768-1855)
Grégoire, Henri-Baptiste, dit l'abbé (1750-1831)
Grenelle Camp, attack on (1796)
Grenville, Right Honorable George (1712-1770)
Grenville, William Wyndham, Lord (1759-1834)
Grey, Charles, Second Earl Grey (1764-1845)
Grigny, Achille Tocip, dit (1766-1806) General
Grigo, Battle of (1809)
Gros, Antoine-Jean, baron (1771-1835)
Gros, Jean-Louis (1767-1824) General
Grouchy, Emmanuel, Marquis de (1762-1847) maréchal
Guadarama, Passage of the (22 December 1808)
Gustavus IV, King of Sweden (1778-1837)
Guyot, Claude-Étienne (1768-1837) General

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