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Ebersberg, Battle of (3 May 1809)
Éblé, Jean-Baptiste, comte (1758-1812) General
Eckmühl, Battle of (1809)
Edgworth, Abbé (1745-1807)
Egypt -- artefacts
Egypt -- lifestyle
Egypt -- monuments
Egypt -- villages
Egypt, Rosetta
Egyptian Fountain, Rue de Sèvres, Paris
Elba, Crossing (9 May 1813)
Elba, Napoleon's exile on (1814-1815)
Elchingen, Battle of (14 October 1805)
Elephant Fountain, Paris
Elisa Bonaparte Bacciochi, Princess of Piombino (1777-1820)
Elisabeth, Madame (1764-1794)
Elphinstone, George Keith (1746-1823)
Emmett, Robert (1778-1803)
Empire -- declaration of (1804)
Enghien, Louis Antoine Henri de Bourbon, duc d' (1772-1804)
Enghien, Louis Antoine Henri de Bourbon, duc d' (1772-1804) -- death of
Erfurt Conferences (27 September-14 October 1808)
Erfurt, surrender of (1806)
Ernouf, Jean-Augustin (1753-1827) General
Erskine, Thomas, Lord (1750-1823)
Essling, Battle of (1809)
Est-ce vrai que les choses vont si mal? (1813)
Etruria, Queen (Maria Luisa, 1782-1824) and Prince (Charles Louis, 1799-1883) of
Eugène Louis Napoléon, Prince Impérial (1856-1879)
Eugénie, Empress of the French (1826-1920)
Exelmans, Remy-Joseph-Isidore, baron (1775-1852) maréchal
Expert, Chief of Batallion
Eylau, Battle of (7-8 February 1807)

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