Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project
Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project

璞廬詩草:一卷(清汪華熙撰) 。民國11年(1922)文楷齋刻本
Pu lu shi chao:1 juan (by Wang Huaxi, Qing Dynasty)

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Contents (30 leaves)Genre and FormAuthorPage Number
題重英姪女璞盧遺稿(二首) Ti Chongying zhi nü Pu lu yi gao (er shou)詩 五言律詩 shi 五言律詩汪楫寶 Wang Jibao序.5a
題重英姪女璞盧遺稿(二首) Ti Chongying zhi nü Pu lu yi gao (er shou)詩 五言律詩 shi 五言律詩汪楫寶 Wang Jibao序.5b
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