Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project
Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project

Collection [Dan yin ge ci: 1 juan]

澹音閣詞﹕一卷, in 小檀欒室彙刻閨秀詞﹕十集一百種一百卷(清徐乃昌輯)

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Title澹音閣詞﹕一卷, in 小檀欒室彙刻閨秀詞﹕十集一百種一百卷(清徐乃昌輯)
Title (Pinyin):Dan yin ge ci: 1 juan, in Xiao tan luan shi hui ke gui xiu ci: 10 ji 100 zhong 100 juan (edited by Xu Naichang, Qing dynasty)
Author:趙友蘭 Zhao Youlan
Publication Statement:清光緒二十二年(1896)南陵徐氏刻本。 
Publisher (Pinyin):Nanlin Xu shi
Place of Publication:南陵
Place of Publication (Pinyin):Nanlin
Chinese Date:Dynasty: 清
Reign Period: 光緒二十二年
Cycle: 丙申
Chinese Date (Pinyin):Dynasty: Qing
Reign Period: Guangxu 22 nian
Cycle: Bingshen
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