Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project
Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project

Author [ Wang Renpei]

王紉佩(?-1891)﹐女﹐字韻珊﹐婺源人(今江西婺源)。Related Materials: 著有 佩珊珊室詩存。小黛軒論詩詩有著錄。有汪清麟、江峯青序,顧福仁, 吳世欽, 史增美, 紀驤, 黃福元,寧本瑜,程兼善,江峯青題辭,楊葆光、顧曾沐、余乾曜、趙燕環、江峯青、陳漢章、胡位臨、張逢源、程肇元、余顯周、蔣清瑞、詹夢甲、程振元、江蔚青作輓詞。

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[ Individual collections in this database authored by 王紉佩 Wang Renpei ]
Pei shan shan shi shi cun:1 jun (Wang Renpei, Qing dynasty)
- (All texts in this collection authored by 王紉佩 Wang Renpei )
[ remarks and biographies on 王紉佩 Wang Renpei ]
論王紉佩詩 Lun Wang Renpei shi  作者/Author﹕ 陳芸 Chen Yun

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