Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project
Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project

Author [ Zeng Xi]

曾熙(1861–1930)﹐男﹐字子缉﹐號農髯﹐衡陽人(今湖南衡陽)。夏徵農,陳至立主編. 大辭海 美術卷[2012]有著錄。

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Writings of 曾熙 Zeng Xi﹕
In 莪怨室吟草:四卷,卷首:一卷(清楊令茀撰)。民國(1929)鉛印本 E yuan shi yin cao:4 juan,Juan shou:1 juan(by Yang Lingfu,Qing Dynasty)
詩 shi: 曾農髯先生題我聞室圖: Zeng Nongran xian sheng ti Wo wen shi tu 卷首題詞.7b
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