Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project
Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project

Author [ Wang Jibao]

汪楫寶(1888-1958)﹐男﹐字君濟﹐吳縣人(今江蘇吳縣)。Related Materials: 著有 《民國司法志》。生卒年據《民國司法志》所附汪照信編《汪楫寶先生學術年表》(140-142頁)有著錄。

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Writings of 汪楫寶 Wang Jibao﹕
In 璞廬詩草:一卷(清汪華熙撰) 。民國11年(1922)文楷齋刻本 Pu lu shi chao:1 juan (by Wang Huaxi, Qing Dynasty)
詩 shi: 題重英姪女璞盧遺稿(二首): Ti Chongying zhi nü Pu lu yi gao (er shou) 序.5a
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