Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project
Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project

Author [ Lin Yunming]

林雲銘(1628-1697)﹐男﹐字西仲﹐號損齋﹐閩縣人(今福建福州)。Related Materials: 著有 《挹奎樓選稿》、《吳山鷇音》、《莊子因》。《晚清移詩匯》(卷二八)、《中國歷代人名大辭典》、《清人詩文集總目提要》(200頁)有著錄。

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Writings of 林雲銘 Lin Yunming﹕
In 墨莊詩鈔:二卷,文鈔:一卷,詞餘:一卷(清林以寧撰)。清康熙三十六年(1697)刻本 Mo zhuang shi chao:2 juan, Wen chao:1 juan, Ci yu:1 juan (by Ling Yining, Qing Dynasty)
文﹕序 Wen: Xu: 序: Xu 序.1a
1 poem(s) (Page 1 of 1)New Search

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