Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project
Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project

Author [ Gao E]

高鶚(1738-1816)﹐男﹐滿族﹐字雲士﹐號蘭史﹐又名蘭墅、紅樓外史、秋甫﹐鐵嶺人(今遼寧鐵嶺)。Related Materials: 著有 《高蘭墅集》。《清史稿·列傳二百七十二·文苑二》、《清人詩文集總目提要》789頁有著錄。

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Writings of 高鶚 Gao E﹕
In 紅香館詩草:一卷,紅香館詩餘:一卷(清惲珠撰)。咸豐十一年(1861)刻本 Hong xiang guan shi cao:1 juan, Hong Xiang guan shi yu:1 juan (by Yun Zhu, Qing Dynasty)
文﹕序 Wen: Xu: 序: Xu 序3.1a
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