Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project
Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project

Author [ Li Zhenjun]

李振鈞(1795-1855)﹐男﹐字海初﹐太湖人(今安徽太湖)。Related Materials: 著有 著有《味鐙聽葉廬詩集》。田啟霖編著. 明清會元狀元科舉文墨集注 第5冊[2016],頁1833有著錄。

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Writings of 李振鈞 Li Zhenjun﹕
In 雅安書屋文集﹕二卷(清汪嫈撰)。道光甲辰(1844)刊本 Ya an shu wu wen ji: 2 juan (by Wang Ying , Qing dynasty)
詩 shi: 李振鈞題詠: Li Zhenjun ti yong 1.16a
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