Industrial Architecture Montreal




7 records were found.

Building Name: Dominion Glass
Street: 2376, rue Wellington
Architect: (unknown)

Building Name: Impérial Tobacco
Street: 3810, rue St-Antoine ouest
Firm: Engineers of Imperial Tobacco
Building Name: J.W.I. (Johnson Wire)
Street: 4783-4790, rue Dagenais
Architect: (unknown)

Building Name: Kruger
Street: 5845, place Turcot
Architect: (unknown)

Building Name: Northern Electric Co.
Street: 1730, rue St-Patrick
Architect: Carmichael, William John

Building Name: Sherwin-Williams Company Limited
Street: 2855, rue Centre
Firm: MacVicar & Heriot
Building Name: Sidbec Dosco
Street: 5870, rue St-Patrick
Architect: (unknown)
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