Industrial Architecture Montreal 



  Impérial Tobacco

3810, rue St-Antoine ouest;

Firm/Partnership: Engineers of Imperial Tobacco
Building Type: industrial complex
Begun: 1910-1912


Exterior detail from Ronald F. Williams, "Early Reinforced Concrete Buildings in Montreal." Montréal: McGill University. School of Architecture, 1963 : 20-21.
Detail of cornice ornament (1999)
View, looking north-west, down rue Bourget (1999)


Edwards, Leigh. "The hymns, smells and food of St.Henri; Atwater Market and antiques fair mark jaunt near Lachine canal." . Montreal Gazette, 23 Apr. 1995: C1

Macdonald, Don. "Profits going up in Smoke?" . Montreal Gazette, 7 Aug. 1999: C1
Visuals: exterior photo.

Williams, Ronald F. "Early Reinforced Concrete Buildings in Montreal." Montréal: McGill University. School of Architecture, 1963. : 20-21
Location: McGill University Library.
Visuals: exterior photo.
Note: Unpublished student paper. Details construction techniques.


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