Clipping of a newspaper article, believed to have been from the Montreal Gazette. The article announces the monetary gift awarded to McGill University from the Rockefeller Foundation to build a Neurological Institute. The article describes extensively the details of the grant, the Institute's sphere of work in the field of neurology, Penfield's background, lists the current staff of the institute, and outlines the building plans.
Physical Description: and white
55.2 x 45.6 cm
is Part Of:
Wilder Penfield Digital Collection
Wilder Penfield Fonds P142 -- Series A (Administration) -- Sub-Series A/N (Administration, Neuro)
Wilder Penfield Fonds P142 -- Series A (Administration) -- Sub-Series A/N (Administration, Neuro)
Osler Library of the History of Medicine, McGill University
Rockefeller Foundation Grants $1,232,652 to McGill, newspaper article.
[Online image]. Wilder Penfield Digital Collection
Wilder Penfield Fonds P142 -- Series A (Administration) -- Sub-Series A/N (Administration, Neuro)
. Osler Library of the History of Medicine, McGill University
. Retrieved February 19, 2025 from
This material has been made available with the consent of the copyright holders and can be used in accordance with fair dealing provisions of Canadian copyright law. For more information, please contact the Osler Library of the History of Medicine.
Handwritten note above article title: "Clippings sent by CF Martin to A.G. April 20, 1932".
Subheadings: "Gift Intended for Neurology Institute Here".
"Fruition Will Make Universtiy Centre for Continent" "Governors' Acceptance" "Dr. Wilder G. Penfield to be Head - City and Province Promise Aid."
A small overlap in the articles necessitated two almost-identical images be created for one complete record.
Subheadings: "Gift Intended for Neurology Institute Here".
"Fruition Will Make Universtiy Centre for Continent" "Governors' Acceptance" "Dr. Wilder G. Penfield to be Head - City and Province Promise Aid."
A small overlap in the articles necessitated two almost-identical images be created for one complete record.
Call Number:
A/N 2-3