Transcription of selected personal writings of Wilder Penfield's from 1921 through 1937.
between 1921 and 1937
Wilder Penfield's journal entries and/or personal writings spanning 1921 through 1937, and transcribed in 1950. Entries document Penfield's early medical training and operating experiences in [London] England. Much of the transcription is dedicated to the time Penfield spent in Germany with Otfrid Foerster in 1928 and during a return trip, nine years later in 1937. Foerster and Penfield discuss current research in neuroscience, in particular Penfield's work on epileptic discharge.
Physical Description: and white 21.5 x 27.5 cm

is Part Of:
Wilder Penfield Digital Collection

Wilder Penfield Fonds P142 -- Series W (Writings) -- Sub-Series W/U (Writings, unpublished)
Osler Library of the History of Medicine, McGill University
Transcription of selected personal writings of Wilder Penfield's from 1921 through 1937. [Online image]. Wilder Penfield Digital Collection Wilder Penfield Fonds P142 -- Series W (Writings) -- Sub-Series W/U (Writings, unpublished) . Osler Library of the History of Medicine, McGill University . Retrieved February 14, 2025 from
This material has been made available with the consent of the copyright holders and can be used in accordance with fair dealing provisions of Canadian copyright law. For more information, please contact the Osler Library of the History of Medicine.
Penfield, Wilder Graves, 1891-1976.
As indicated by the date typed in the upper right hand corner of the first three pages, this document was transcribed in December 1950.

The last 10 pages are duplicates of the 6th - 14th pages of the transcription (these numbers however, do not correspond to the typed pagination of the transcription).

Document pages are numbered as follows: first three pages are numbered numerically, the first page being page 1. The fourth page numerical pagination starts over again at page 1 and continues through the fourteenth page, which is numbered page 11. The fifteenth page is number page 8 and continues numerically through to page 11 (page eighteen). Page nineteen is labeled with [page] 1 and the subsequent six pages numerically follow.

Page 2[2] handwritten note at top of page: "carbon".

Page 8[15] handwritten notes at top of page: "16 leriche".

Page 9[16] handwritten notes at top of page: "1937 10"[16?].

Page 10[17] handwritten notes at top of page: "1937 11".

Page 11[18] handwritten notes at top of page: "Holmes & Foerster 18".

Page 19[1] - Page 25 [7] Editing marks visible throughout entries.

Call Number:
W/U 117