Letter from Wilder Penfield to Bernardus Brouwer, November 9, 1934.
Letter from Wilder Penfield to Bernardus Brouwer, November 9, 1934.
This is a typewritten letter from Wilder Penfield to Bernadus Brouwer. In the letter, Penfield thanks Brouwer for sending a number of bound volumes to the Montreal Neurological Institute. He also thanks Brouwer for his congratulatory cablegram, which he read to others at the institute’s opening banquet. Penfield also indicates that he is enclosing a menu from the banquet, and in the letter’s postscript he offers a brief description of the decorated ceiling of the institute’s foyer, including the hieroglyphics and image of a ram’s head at its centre. The letter is dated November 9, 1934.
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