This is a ledger titled “LEGENDS OF PHOTOGRAPHS”. The ledger was compiled for William Vernon Cone and was the property of the Montreal Neurological Institute’s Fellows’ Library. The ledger contains descriptions of photographs of cases seen at the No. 1 Neurological Hospital in Basingstoke, England. The first case in the ledger is titled "The Blasted Pheasant" and concerns images of the brain and lungs of a pheasant that was seriously injured by German bombing during 1940 or 1941. Study of the pheasant’s brain at the No. 1 Neurological Hospital resulted in a paper by Drs. Colin Russel, Oscar William Stewart, and William Cone that was printed in the Lancet in 1941 and titled “Injury to the central nervous system by blast: Observations on a pheasant.”
Physical Description: and white
14.2 x 20.3 cm
is Part Of:
Wilder Penfield Digital Collection
Wilder Penfield Fonds P142 -- Series A (Administration) -- Sub-Series A/N (Administration, Neuro)
Wilder Penfield Fonds P142 -- Series A (Administration) -- Sub-Series A/N (Administration, Neuro)
Osler Library of the History of Medicine, McGill University
Legends of Photographs, ledger.
[Online image]. Wilder Penfield Digital Collection
Wilder Penfield Fonds P142 -- Series A (Administration) -- Sub-Series A/N (Administration, Neuro)
. Osler Library of the History of Medicine, McGill University
. Retrieved February 7, 2025 from
This material has been made available with the consent of the copyright holders and can be used in accordance with fair dealing provisions of Canadian copyright law. For more information, please contact the Osler Library of the History of Medicine.
Handwritten notes read: "(?) Hackwood Park, Lord Cameron's Estate, see back of photographs."
Call Number:
A/N 11-6