Letter from Harold to Wilder Penfield, January 4, 1941.
This is a handwritten note from Harold Elliott to Wilder Penfield. In the note Elliott thanks Dr. Penfield for reviewing a paper for him, and also writes of the situation at the No. 1 Neurological Hospital. That includes offering information about the personnel at the hospital and the surgical problems that they have been experiencing. He also discusses the Christmas Dinner and Christmas Day at the Hospital. This letter is dated January 4, 1941.
Physical Description:
text.typescript.black and white 27.8 x 21.4 cm

is Part Of:
Wilder Penfield Digital Collection

Wilder Penfield Fonds P142 -- Series A (Administration) -- Sub-Series A/N (Administration, Neuro)
Osler Library of the History of Medicine, McGill University
Letter from Harold to Wilder Penfield, January 4, 1941. [Online image]. Wilder Penfield Digital Collection Wilder Penfield Fonds P142 -- Series A (Administration) -- Sub-Series A/N (Administration, Neuro) . Osler Library of the History of Medicine, McGill University . Retrieved July 4, 2024 from http://digital.library.mcgill.ca/penfieldfonds/fullrecord.php?ID=10237
This material has been made available with the consent of the copyright holders and can be used in accordance with fair dealing provisions of Canadian copyright law. For more information, please contact the Osler Library of the History of Medicine.
Elliott, Harold, 1908-.
Transcription of the note reads: "Dear Doctor Penfield; Many thanks for sending over that review about perphine serves. Unfortunately, the censors held the paper a rather long time and returned it only a short while before Christmas. It was unfortunte (?) the paper on you when you were already over crowded but I appreciate criticism. I will hold (?) as a standard try my to put each piece of the work in the (?) of experience. So far I have had about 25 peupheris newes (?) after and they have been very interesting. as you probably kno we have moved and are much busier than previously with much more "acute" work. There are many more head injuries critic various complications. We have arranged very close contact with no 1 Neurological and Major Botterell plan to come over and become monthly and whenever else I call him to see how things are going. I reviewed a parcel with Palmer Howards parcel from the "Friends of the Institute". I wish you would thank Miss Fanning and Miss Flanagan for you are talking to them along these lines, sometimes. Colonel Russel has been very ill again but is making progress. Col. Montgomery is looking after him. From the medical viewpoint. He is at No. 1 Neurological. As you probably know also, Colonel Gordon has gone home and another Melsile man who is held in high regard in Vancouver is to take his place. he is Colone Desbrisy and we are looking forward to his arrival. Colonel Cross is hale and heart and very much beloved. I have never seen a more spontaneous reception than to the one he reviewed on visiting our men at dinner time on Christmas Day. I received a pleasant reminder from Dr. Arthur Young in the form of the Readers Digest which are much appreciated over here as they can always be passed on to the patients. Kind regards to all my friends throughout the Institute and (?) and again many thanks for your advice which I will follow. The best of luck for the New Year Sincerely Harold."

This letter is written on No. 1 Neurological Hospital stationary.

Call Number:
A/N 11-1