This is a handwritten letter from C.E. Cross to Wilder Penfield. In the letter, written en route from Canada to England with future members of the soon to be established No. 1 Neurological Hospital, Cross discusses financial matters. He thanks Dr. Penfield for the allowing for the purchase of travellers' cheques which could be used by members of the No. 1 Neurological Hospital staff after their arrival in England. The letter is dated June 1, 1940.
Physical Description: and white
20.3 x 25.4 cm
is Part Of:
Wilder Penfield Digital Collection
Wilder Penfield Fonds P142 -- Series A (Administration) -- Sub-Series A/N (Administration, Neuro)
Wilder Penfield Fonds P142 -- Series A (Administration) -- Sub-Series A/N (Administration, Neuro)
Osler Library of the History of Medicine, McGill University
Letter from C.E. Cross to Wilder Penfield, June 1, 1940.
[Online image]. Wilder Penfield Digital Collection
Wilder Penfield Fonds P142 -- Series A (Administration) -- Sub-Series A/N (Administration, Neuro)
. Osler Library of the History of Medicine, McGill University
. Retrieved March 11, 2025 from
This material has been made available with the consent of the copyright holders and can be used in accordance with fair dealing provisions of Canadian copyright law. For more information, please contact the Osler Library of the History of Medicine.
Cross, C.E.
Transcription reads: "3 June 1 1940. Dear Doctor Penfield: I am enclosing a report of the recent month with a few details also an up to recent memo of the funds left in my hands for extrinsic relief and assistance to the man. In accordance with our understanding I have secured £220 in Travellers cheques for use overseas. These are still intact and for use only often our arrival there. We are already very grateful for this abundant assistance. Report of some will reach you when any need has made desirable its rise. With Sincere regards to Mrs. Penfield and respectful sentiments to our President and Members of N.H. Aux Conn. Sincerely, C.E. Cross".
This letter is written on Department of National Defence stationary.
This letter is written on Department of National Defence stationary.
Call Number:
A/N 11-1