Brit. MS., Dott, Jefferson, Elliott, photograph (front).
Brit. MS., Dott, Jefferson, Elliott, photograph (front).
This is a black and white photograph of three men, two of whom are wearing suits and one of whom is wearing a Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps (R.C.A.M.C.) uniform. The Three men are identified on the back of the photograph as “Dott, Jefferson, [and] Elliott” in “Brit” [i.e. Britain] in 1942. The three men are likely (left to right) the British neurosurgeons Norman Dott and Sir Geoffrey Jefferson, and Major Harold Elliott. Major Elliott, who is shown wearing his R.C.A.M.C. uniform and holding a file folder, was stationed at the No. 1 Neurological Hospital and was eventually in charge of the #1 Canadian Mobile Neurosurgical Unit in Holland. Also, both Norman Dott and Sir Geoffrey Jefferson were connected to neurological work being carried out at Basingstoke. In the image none of the men are looking at the camera.
A/N 11-5