MacDonell, John. Some Account of the Red River, ca. 1797 [Contemporary copy]. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0035

du Bois fort, or the wood tribe, of that numerous &c. all Speaking the same Language with the Sioux or Naudawessie and originally a tribe of that numerous Nation. Their dress consists of a Buffalo Dressed skin, which they wear as the Saulteux do the Blanket; under this Robe, they wear a leather shirt, sometimes with the hair on, but Dressed in the Same manner as their Robes; their leggings are also made of Dressed leather. Those for the young folks are made of wolf, Caberie, and other skins of a finer quality which the dress as white and pliable as Chamois. Their Shoes as well as those of the Crees are always made of Buffalo leather the hair turned inwards which Serves them as Socks.

Their Caps are of Foxes and Fishers' skins with the head and tail of the beast tied so that the head of the wearer is encompassed by it, the tail leaving the top or crown of the head without any Covering. As for their hair they generally allow it to


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