MacDonell, John. Some Account of the Red River, ca. 1797 [Contemporary copy]. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0035

knowing that their opponents who have but a few Goods generally cannot oppose them at every place. This Post turned out about sixty Packs at an average for the N. West Comp-y, exclusive of opposition Trade. But the returns from it are mostly Wolves and Buffalo Robes. Six days march from the Montagne à la Bosse the River qui appelle enters the assiniboine River, and on it about two short days march in canoes farther up is Fort Esperance which has been settled these ten years past and was chiefly Mr. Robert Grant's residence while he superintended the Red River affairs; and has always been inhabited Summer and winter ever Since. It is at this post and Montagne à la Bosse that most of the red River provisions hasve been traded, being both assiniboine Posts; provisions are their chief returns.

River La Coquille is the nearest post to the River qui appelle and distant from it about a days march over land though in the fall it takes the canoes four days by water; a trifling post as


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