
unknown maker

after Orchardson, William Quiller (1832-1910)


Titre anglais composé:

Napoleon on board the Bellerophon, the beginning of the end.



on opp. p. : Napoleon on Board the Bellerophon | The Beginnning of the end / From the painting by William Q. Orchardson | In the Tate Gallery, London



Napoleon on board the Bellerophon taking him to exile on Saint Helena where he will remain until his death. The deposed emperor stands alone on deck, contemplating his fate, while officers in the background watch him with curiosity.


Travail Original:

Napoleon on Board the Bellerophon.


Orchardson, William Quiller (1832-1910)

exhibited 1880

. Oil on canvas; 1651 x 2489 mm; Tate Gallery, London.



Napoleon I, Emperor of the French (1769-1821) -- on board the Bellerophon


Œuvres associées:

Orchardson, William Quiller (1832-1910); 'Napoleon on Board the Bellerophon.'



DC203 H43 1900z


Endroit supplémentaire:

vol. 5, frontispiece


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