
after the sculpture by Delaistre, François Nicolas (1746-1832)

after the sculpture by Cartellier, Pierre (1757-1831)

drawn for the plate by Hébert, E.

engraved by Oleszinski


Composed Title English:

Joseph Bonaparte. [and] Louis Bonaparte.


Inscribed Title:

Bonaparte (Joseph) [and] Bonaparte (Louis)



[Joseph:] Sculpté par Delaistre // 489 [Louis:] Sculpté par Cartellier // 491 Galrie histque de Versailles // STATUES // Sie X Son 3. // Dessinés par E. Hébert // Gravés par Oleszcinski // Diagraphe et Pantographe-Gavard



Statue of Joseph in court dress. He points to the Treaty of Amiens, refering to the important negotiating role he played in the 27 March 1802 peace agreement between England and France. Full-length statue of Louis Bonaparte, wearing his High Constable costume : heavy mantle. ruffle, large imperial eagle chain. He holds his gloves in his left hand, and his sword in his right. Four spheres of different sizes rest by his right foot. Based on Cartellier's statue today at Versailles.


Original Work:

Joseph Bonaparte.


Delaistre, François-Nicolas (1746-1832)


. Marble; 2 m.; Musée national des châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon.


Subject Heading(s):

Joseph Bonaparte, King of Naples, then of Spain (1768-1844)

Louis Bonaparte, King of Holland (1778-1846)



Louis: 8° O VII 007 ; Joseph : 8° O V 001


Related Works:

DELAISTRE, François-Nicolas (1746-1832); 'Joseph Bonaparte.' & CARTELLIER, Pierre (1757-1831); 'Louis Bonaparte.'



WIP39 G24 elf


Added Location:

vol. 13, Série X, Section 3


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