
after the painting by LETHIÈRE, Guillaume Guillon (1760-1832)

engraved by PIGEOT

drawn for the plate by BELLOLI


Composed Title English:

Marie-Anne-Elisa Bonaparte, Madame Bacchiocchi, Grand duchess of Tuscany.


Inscribed Title:

Bonaparte (Marie-Anne-Elisa) (Madame Bacchiocchi). || Grande duchesse de Toscane † 1820.



Galrie histque de Versailles // Sie X Son 7 // Peint par Lethierre // Gravé par Pigeot // Dessiné par Belloli // Diagraphe et Pantographe-Gavard.



Full-length portrait of Elisa, standing at the top of a stairway, one hand on the balustrade. She is in court dress : a gown with a stiff upright collar, neckline earrings, pearls, and a crown. Her train partly rests on the Ottoman behind her, while the rest cascades down the stairs. Curtains in the background. The balustrade knob bears an 'N' monogram. Based on Lethière's original.


Original Work:

Elisa Bonaparte.


Lethière, Guillaume Guillon (1760-1832)


. Oil on canvas; 217 x 141 cm; Musée national des châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon.


Subject Heading(s):

Elisa Bonaparte Bacciochi, Princess of Piombino (1777-1820)



8° O III 004


Related Works:

LETHIÈRE, Guillaume Guillon (1760-1832); 'Elisa Bonaparte.'



WIP39 G24 elf


Added Location:

vol. 12, Série X, Section 7


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