
engraver Frilley, Jean Jacques (1797-?)

drawn by Massard, Léopold (1812-1889)

after the painting by Bouchot, François (1800-1842)


Composed Title English:

The Eighteenth Brumaire, 9 November 1799.


Inscribed Title:

Le dix-huit Brumaire. | (9 Novembre 1799.)



Galerie Historique de Versailles / Sie VI. Son 3e / 662 / Peint par Bouchot. / Gravé par Frilley. / Dessiné par L. Massard. / Diagraphe et Pantographe Gavard



The Coup d'Etat took place on the 18th and 19th Brumaire. The scene depicted here occurred on the second day, when Napoleon attempted to address the Council of the Five Hundred, but was shouted down by the deputies. One of them even threatened him with a dagger. Napoleon was removed by the grenadiers to safety. His brother Lucien, head of the Assembly, saved the situation by leaving, thus avoiding holding a vote placing Napoleon "hors-la-loi". The room was then emptied by the Guards, and Napoleon was free to take over. The coup d'Etat was complete, bloodless, though not without military intervention as had been hoped by the conspirators. This print based on the painting by Bouchot illustrates Napoleon's quality of keeping his calm in the middle of chaos.


Original Work:

Le général Bonaparte au Conseil des Cinq-Cents à Saint-Cloud, 10 novembre 1799.


Bouchot, François (1800-1842)

1840 Salon

. Oil on canvas; 421 x 401 cm; Musée national des châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon.


Subject Heading(s):

Coup d'État, 18 &19 Brumaire Year VIII (1799)









Galerie Historique de Versailles // Sie VI Son 3e // 662


Publication Place:



Printer Name:




330 x 280 mm (plate mark)





Copy Specific:

recto, bottom left: "Nap-" ; bottom right: "75-" in pencil


McGill Notes:

Pennington Catalogue p. 0362


Related Works:

Bouchot, François (1800-1842); 'Le Général Bonaparte au Conseil des Cinq-Cents à Saint-Cloud, 10 novembre 1799.'



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