
unknown maker

after Ponce-Camus, Marie Nicolas (1778-1839)


Titre anglais composé:

Napoleon at the tomb of Frederick the Great.


Titre inscrit:

Napoleon am Grabe Friedrich's des Grossen.



Napoleon stands in contemplation, with his arms folded, before the tomb of Frederick II (1660-1786) in Potsdam. He is said to have told his men : "Hats off, gentlemen. If he were still alive, we would not be here." The sarcophagus inscribed "FRIEDRICH II". Through this gesture Napoleon gives homage to the monarch he so admired, and associates himself with him as well. He presents himself as the direct heir to the Prussian state, guided by its sovereign. This is a strong moment in the history of the Empire. Napoleon is represented here not as man of action, but deep in thought. The dark lighting reflects the secret, quasi-mystical nature of his reflection, as though englightened by divine inspiration. Napoleon particularly liked this painting, and had it hung in his apartments at the Trianon.


Travail Original:

Napoléon Ier méditant devant le cercueil de Frédéric II de Prusse dans la crypte de la Garnisonkirche de Postdam, 25 octobre 1806.


Ponce-Camus, Marie Nicolas (1778-1839)


. Oil on canvas; 181 x 232 cm; Musée national des châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon.



Napoleon I, Emperor of the French (1769-1821) -- at the Tomb of Frederick the Great, in Potsdam (26 October 1806)


Œuvres associées:

Ponce-Camus, Marie Nicolas (1778-1839); 'Napoléon Ier méditant devant le cercueil de Frédéric II de Prusse dans la crypte de la Garnisonkirche de Postdam, 25 octobre 1806.'



DC203 H53 1840


Endroit supplémentaire:

vol. 2, opp. p. 143


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