
after Vernet, Horace (1789-1863)

sc. Pescheck


Titre anglais composé:

The battle of Arcole.


Titre inscrit:

Bataille pres d'Arcole. | Brucke von Arcole.



H. Vernet pinx. / Pescheck sc.



Napoleon leads his troops across the bridge at Arcole. He holds the standard in one hand, and his drawn sword in the other. He is fearless in the face of enemy fire. A wounded soldier at his feet attempts to stop him. The event took place on 15 November 1796, the first day of the Battle of Arcole, during the First Italian Campaign. Such acts of courage displayed by Napoleon ensured the admiration and loyalty of his troops.


Travail Original:

La Bataille du Pont d'Arcole.


Vernet, Horace (1789-1863)


. Oil on canvas; 260 x 194 cm.



Arcole, Battle of (15-17 November 1796)

Napoleon I, Emperor of the French (1769-1821) -- leading his troops across the bridge at Arcole (1796)


Œuvres associées:

Vernet, Horace (1789-1863); 'La Bataille du Pont d'Arcole.'



DC203 H53 1846


Endroit supplémentaire:

vol. 1, opp. p. 172


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