
unknown maker


Composed Title English:

The French imperial family.


Inscribed Title:




1 Napoleon Empereur des Français, / 2 l'Impératrice Josephine / 3 Marie Louise / 4 Napoleon 2, / 5 Mme L'Œtizia, / 6.Eugêne Beauharnais / 7. Josephe Bonaparte, / 8 Lucien Bonaparte / 9. la Reine Hortense / 10 Louis Bonaparte / 11 Jérome Bonaparte / 12 La Princesse Pauline, / 13 La Princesse Eliza, / 14 La Reine Caroline, / A Paris chez CODONE Jne et Cie rue des Gravilliers N°23. / Déposé



Group portrait: the fourteen members of the imperial family are identified by numbers which correspond to the legend below. The portrait busts rest on clouds above an imperial eagle standing on an olive branch. Above it, and below Napoleon II, five stars. Each of the portraits can be traced back to an original.


Original Work:

Napoléon Ier en costume du sacre.


Lefèvre, Robert (1755-1830)


. Oil on canvas; 278 x 106 cm; Musée national des châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon.


Subject Heading(s):

Joseph Bonaparte, King of Naples, then of Spain (1768-1844)

Joséphine de Beauharnais, Empress of the French (1763-1814)

Bonaparte Family

Marie-Louise, Arch-Duchess of Austria, Empress of the French (1791-1847)

Napoleon I, Emperor of the French (1769-1821)

Napoléon François Charles Joseph, Duke of Reichstadt (1811-1832)

Bonaparte, Letizia (1750-1836)

Beauharnais, Eugène de, prince français, vice-roi d'Italie (1781-1824)

Lucien Bonaparte, Prince of Canino (1775-1840)

Beauharnais, Hortense de, reine de Hollande (1783-1837)

Louis Bonaparte, King of Holland (1778-1846)

Jérôme Bonaparte, King of Westphalia (1784-1860)

Pauline Bonaparte (1780-1825)

Elisa Bonaparte Bacciochi, Princess of Piombino (1777-1820)

Caroline Bonaparte, Queen of Naples (1782-1839)



engraving and stipple


Publication Place:




348 x 268 mm (plate mark)





Copy Specific:

recto, bottom centre: illegible collector's markings; bottom right: "10" ; verso: "ON 129120" and two pieces of tape on left edge


McGill Notes:

Pennington Catalogue p. 1832


Related Works:

Lefèvre, Robert (1755-1830); 'Napoléon Ier en costume du sacre.'



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