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Maddalena, Combat of La (23 February 1793)
Madrid Insurrection (2 May 1808)
Madrid, British entry into (13 August 1812)
Madrid, Surrender of (4 December 1808)
Magnano, Battle of (5 April 1799)
Magon de Médine, Charles-René (1763-1805) contre-amiral -- death of
Maida, Battle of, also known as Saint Euphemia (1806)
Main, Marching towards the (1805)
Malo-Jaroslawetz, Battle of (24-25 October 1812)
Malta, Surrender of (1798)
Mantua, Celebration of Virgil at (15 October 1797)
Mantua, Siege and Surrender of (4 June 1796 - 2 February 1797)
Marceau, François Séverin (1769-1796) -- death of
March through the Desert (1798-1799) -- Campaign in Egypt and Syria
Marengo, Battle of (14 June 1800)
Marengo, monument
Marie-Louise, Arch-Duchess of Austria, Empress of the French (1791-1847) -- painting the Portrait of Napoleon
Marshals Swearing Allegiance to their Emperor (19 May 1804)
Meeting of Napoleon and Francis II of Germany, at Saruschitz (5 Dec 1805)
Meeting of Napoleon and Queen Louisa-Augusta of Prussia
Meeting of Napoleon and Victor Amedeo III, King of Sardinia & Napoleon, at Cherasco (28 April 1796)
Meeting of Napoleon, Alexander I, and King Frederick-William III at Tilsit, on Niemen (25 June 1807)
Milan -- celebration (1796)
Milan -- Entry of Napoleon and Josephine into (13 May 1805)
Milan -- Entry of the French into (15 May 1796)
Milan -- Surrender of (1800)
Millesimo, battle of (14 April 1796)
Mincio, Battle and Crossing of the (13 May 1796)
Mondovi, Battle of (21 April 1796)
Money, value of -- assignats
Mont-Thabor, Battle of (16 April 1799)
Montagne Noire, Battle of the, or of St Laurent de la Mouga (17-20 November 1794)
Monte Video, Storming of (1807)
Monte-Legino redoubt, Defense of (11 April 1796)
Montebello, Battle of (9 June 1800)
Montenotte, battle of (12 April 1796)
Montereau, Battle of (18 February 1814)
Montmirail, Battle of (11 February 1814)
Moore, Lieutenant-General Sir John (1761-1809) -- death of
Morales, Battle of (2 June 1813)
Moreau, Jean-Victor (1763-1813) général -- Death of
Moscow, Battle of (1812)
Moscow, Burning of (1812)
Moscow, Entry of the French into (14 Setpember 1812)
Moscow, Retreat from (1812)
Munich -- entry of the French into (1800)
Munich, Entry of the French into (24 October 1805)
Munich, Taking of (October 1805)

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