Connie and Dan, Métis-sur-Mer 1902
Connie and Dan, Métis-sur-Mer 1902
Connie and Dan, Métis-sur-Mer 1902 .
McGill Library Islamic Lithographs digital collection. Web. 18 July, 2024. PDF file.
Constance and Dan (the middle name of either Lutha or Orrin) Sutherland playing on the porch of a house at Métis-sur-Mer, Quebec. As is recorded by the collection's albums, the Sutherland family, headed by Dr. Willam Dunbar Sutherland, summered in Métis-sur-Mer over several years. Their eldest daughter, Alice D. Sutherland, was a close friend to Gwendolen Marjorie Howard. The second photograph on Page 55 of Marjorie Howard Futcher Albums Collection (Album 1).