Loraine Percy and Frederick Edmund Meredith, Senneville, 1901
Loraine Percy and Frederick Edmund Meredith, Senneville, 1901
Loraine Percy and Frederick Edmund Meredith, Senneville, 1901 .
McGill Library Islamic Lithographs digital collection. http://digital.library.mcgill.ca/islamic_lithographs/fullrecord.php?ID=775. Web. 18 July, 2024. PDF file.
ALoraine Percy and Mr F. Meredith (likely Frederick Edmund Meredith, cousin of Sir (Henry) Vincent Meredith, assistant to Edward Clouston, General Manager of the Bank of Montreal). The photograph was taken at Boisbriant, Edward Clouston's Senneville, Quebec residence. The first photograph on Page 26, Album 1 of the Marjorie Howard Futcher Albums Collection.