Lady Osler's Writing Desk
Lady Osler's Writing Desk
Lady Osler's Writing Desk .
McGill Library Islamic Lithographs digital collection. Web. 17 July, 2024. PDF file.
Lady Grace Revere Osler's writing desk. After Lady Osler's death, this desk was given to the wife of R.H. Hill, a librarian at Oxford's Bodleian Library, who played a large part in compiling the catalogue of the Bibliotheca Osleriana. Hill, in turn, donated the desk to the Osler Club of London. It currently sits in the club's Thomas Cotton Room.
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This item is the property of the Osler Library of McGill University. For information about acquiring a copy and/or permission to reproduce an image, please contact the Osler Library.This item is the property of the Osler Library of McGill University. For information about acquiring a copy and/or permission to reproduce an image, please contact the Osler Library.