Garth, Arbuthnot, Pope, and Hogarth at Button's Coffee House, 1720
Garth, Arbuthnot, Pope, and Hogarth at Button's Coffee House, 1720
Garth, Arbuthnot, Pope, and Hogarth at Button's Coffee House, 1720 .
McGill Library Islamic Lithographs digital collection. Web. 17 July, 2024. PDF file.
Group caricature portrait showing Drs. Garth and Arbuthnot with the artist, Hogarth, and Alexander Pope at Button's Coffee House, London.
Dr. John Arbuthnot (1667-1735) was a Scottish physician, mathematician and satirist based in London. Sir Samuel Garth (1661-1719) was an English physician and poet, who wrote the mock-heroic poem, The Dispensary (1699). These men were associated with Alexander Pope (1688-1744), the famed English poet and satirist.
Engraved by Charles A. Ferrier, after an image by William Hogarth.