Contemplation: Snapshots of Osler at the Bedside
Contemplation: Snapshots of Osler at the Bedside
Contemplation: Snapshots of Osler at the Bedside .
McGill Library Islamic Lithographs digital collection. Web. 18 July, 2024. PDF file.
The fourth of a set of photos showing William Osler treating a patient, probably in Johns Hopkins Hospital; Osler is sitting beside the patient's bed. The names of the other individuals are unknown. The photo is titled "Contemplation."
046 8g
This item is the property of the Osler Library of McGill University. For information about acquiring a copy and/or permission to reproduce an image, please contact the Osler Library.This item is the property of the Osler Library of McGill University. For information about acquiring a copy and/or permission to reproduce an image, please contact the Osler Library.