"Pine Bluff," Senneville, June 1900 (1 of 3)
"Pine Bluff," Senneville, June 1900 (1 of 3)
"Pine Bluff," Senneville, June 1900 (1 of 3) .
McGill Library Islamic Lithographs digital collection. http://digital.library.mcgill.ca/islamic_lithographs/fullrecord.php?ID=1191. Web. 19 July, 2024. PDF file.
Three unidentified people on the porch of "Pine Bluff" in Senneville, Quebec in 1900. Pine Bluff was the Tudor Revival mansion of Richard Bladworth Angus, the former General Manager and future President of the Bank of Montreal, former General Manager of the Canadian Pacific Railway, and a governor of McGill University. The first photograph on Page 23, Album 2 of the Marjorie Howard Futcher Albums Collection.