Jimmie Paterson and Osla Clouston with camera, Senneville, August 1902
Jimmie Paterson and Osla Clouston with camera, Senneville, August 1902
Jimmie Paterson and Osla Clouston with camera, Senneville, August 1902 .
McGill Library Islamic Lithographs digital collection. http://digital.library.mcgill.ca/islamic_lithographs/fullrecord.php?ID=1126. Web. 18 July, 2024. PDF file.
Osla Clouston and Jimmie Paterson standing in front of a vine-covered wall of the Boisbriant estate house, the Senneville home of the Clouston family, in August 1902. Miss Clouston is holding a folding camera in her right hand. The sixth photograph on Page 13, Album 2 of the Marjorie Howard Futcher Albums Collection.