Search Results
Number of matched records = 400

Last Name First Name County Township Town Occupation Birthplace Full Record
Adie Neil J. Wellington Guelph GO

Aitchison William Wellington Guelph GO

Allan D. Wellington Guelph GO

Allan David Wellington Guelph Guelph Miller; Distiller GO

Amos G. Wellington Guelph GO

Amos J. Wellington Guelph GO

Anderson James Wellington Guelph GO

Armstrong Frederick Wellington Guelph GO

Armstrong J.B. Wellington Guelph Guelph Carriage Builder GO

Armstrong John Wellington Guelph GO

Armstrong T. Wellington Guelph GO

Atkinson George Wellington Guelph GO

Atkinson J. Wellington Guelph GO

Barber S. Wellington Guelph GO

Barkley Wellington Guelph GO

Barkley David Wellington Guelph GO

Barkley J. Wellington Guelph GO

Bates J. Wellington Guelph GO

Bathgate W. Wellington Guelph GO

Bell Matthew Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Benham Wellington Guelph GO

Benham George Wellington Guelph GO

Bilby W. Wellington Guelph GO

Biscoe Frederic Wellington Guelph Guelph Barrister GO

Blatchford George Wellington Guelph GO

Bludgeon B. Wellington Guelph GO

Blyth A.W. Wellington Guelph GO

Blyth R. Wellington Guelph GO

Bolton J. Wellington Guelph GO

Bolton T. Wellington Guelph GO

Bookless & Galer Company Wellington Guelph Guelph Royal Hotel GO

Boulding Wellington Guelph GO

Britton W. Wellington Guelph GO

Brown J. Wellington Guelph GO

Bruce John Wellington Guelph GO

Brydon R. Wellington Guelph GO

Brydon Robert Wellington Guelph GO

Buchanan Wellington Guelph GO

Buckham Wellington Guelph GO

Buney Wellington Guelph GO

Cameron D. Wellington Guelph GO

Cameron Donald Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Campbell Wellington Guelph GO

Card John Wellington Guelph GO

Card T. Wellington Guelph GO

Card Thomas Jr. Wellington Guelph GO

Carreher M. Wellington Guelph GO

Carter G.H. Wellington Guelph GO

Carter J. Wellington Guelph GO

Carthew E. Wellington Guelph GO

Chadwick Wellington Guelph Guelph Judge GO

Chadwick F.J. Wellington Guelph GO

Chadwick J. C. Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Chambers James Wellington Guelph GO

Chipehuse William Wellington Guelph GO

Church of England Church Wellington Guelph GO

Clarke William Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Cleghorn J. Wellington Guelph GO

Cleghorn R. Wellington Guelph GO

Cochran R. Wellington Guelph GO

Cochrane R. Wellington Guelph GO

Coffee Dennis Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Coghlan Thomas Wellington Guelph GO

Couling Wellington Guelph GO

Cow Peter Wellington Guelph GO

Cowan James Wellington Guelph GO

Cowling A. Wellington Guelph GO

Cox Thomas Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Creighton W. Wellington Guelph GO

Cunningham J. Wellington Guelph GO

Cunningham J. T. Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Darby William Wellington Guelph GO

Davidson Charles Wellington Guelph Guelph Land, Loan & General Agent GO

Davis G. Wellington Guelph GO

Dawson S. Wellington Guelph GO

Day J. Wellington Guelph GO

Day J.P. Wellington Guelph Guelph Bookseller GO

Day William Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Deacon, R.W. & Co. Company Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Deeley M. Wellington Guelph GO

Devlin H. Wellington Guelph GO

Downey Wellington Guelph GO

Dowrie James Wellington Guelph GO

Drew J. Wellington Guelph GO

Duffield W. Wellington Guelph GO

Duggan Wellington Guelph GO

Duncan D. Wellington Guelph GO

Dyer E. Wellington Guelph GO

Elliott G. Wellington Guelph GO

Elliott George Wellington Guelph Guelph Retired GO

Elliott J. Wellington Guelph GO

Elliott R. Wellington Guelph GO

Ellis J. Wellington Guelph GO

Erb Simon Wellington Guelph GO

Farr D.G. Wellington Guelph GO

Farrall A. Wellington Guelph GO

Farrow J. Wellington Guelph GO

Felix Wellington Guelph GO

Fife J. Wellington Guelph GO

Fife W. Wellington Guelph GO

Fisk J. Wellington Guelph GO

Forbes Robert Wellington Guelph GO

Ford John Wellington Guelph GO

Forrest James Wellington Guelph GO

Foster W.M. Wellington Guelph Guelph Dentist GO

Fox E.T. Wellington Guelph GO

Freeman George Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Friendship W. Wellington Guelph GO

Fyfe George Wellington Guelph GO

Fyfe W. Wellington Guelph GO

Gates Andrew Wellington Guelph GO

Gates Jacob Wellington Guelph GO

Gerow J.B. Wellington Guelph GO

Gibson T. Wellington Guelph GO

Giles John Wellington Guelph GO

Gow James Wellington Guelph Guelph M.P. GO

Gow P. Wellington Guelph GO

Gow Peter Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Grange E.A.A. Wellington Guelph Guelph Veterinary Surgeon GO

Grange George J. Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Grange George S. Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Grant Wellington Guelph GO

Greet Thomas J.. Wellington Guelph Guelph Manager, Federal Bank of Canada GO

Grey W. Wellington Guelph GO

Griffith William Wellington Guelph GO

Griott P. Wellington Guelph GO

Guthrie Donald Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Haddon W. Wellington Guelph GO

Hallam John Wellington Guelph Guelph Architect GO

Hamel P. Wellington Guelph Guelph St. Bartholomew's Rectory GO

Hamilton W. Wellington Guelph GO

Hammond Edward Wellington Guelph GO

Hands J. Wellington Guelph GO

Harding J. Wellington Guelph GO

Harland E.A. Wellington Guelph GO

Harrison E. Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Hart & Speirs Company Wellington Guelph Guelph Land & Loan Agents GO

Harvey G. Wellington Guelph GO

Harvey Henry Wellington Guelph Guelph Coal & Wood Merchant GO

Harvey J. Wellington Guelph GO

Hassan J. Wellington Guelph GO

Hassen J. Wellington Guelph GO

Hastings James Wellington Guelph GO

Hatch H. Wellington Guelph GO

Hatch Henry Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Haugh John Wellington Guelph Guelph Proprietor, City Hotel GO

Hawes C. Wellington Guelph GO

Hawes J. Wellington Guelph GO

Hawes James Wellington Guelph GO

Hawes John Wellington Guelph GO

Heard H. Wellington Guelph GO

Hearn W. Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Heffernan Wellington Guelph GO

Heffernan C. Wellington Guelph GO

Heffernan D. Wellington Guelph GO

Heffernan J. Wellington Guelph GO

Heffernan Bros. Company Wellington Guelph Guelph Britannia House GO

Hemmings E.F. Wellington Guelph GO

Henderson Wellington Guelph GO

Henderson Thomas Wellington Guelph GO

Higginbotham N. Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Hinds R. Wellington Guelph GO

Hinds R.W. Wellington Guelph GO

Hinds W. Wellington Guelph GO

Hobson John Wellington Guelph GO

Hogg A. Wellington Guelph GO

Hood Gideon Wellington Guelph GO

Hood Gideon Wellington Guelph GO

Hood T. Wellington Guelph GO

Hood William Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Hood William Wellington Guelph GO

Hook J. Wellington Guelph GO

Horsman John Wellington Guelph Guelph Merchant GO

Howes T. Wellington Guelph GO

Howitt J. Wellington Guelph GO

Howitt John Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Hudson James Wellington Guelph GO

Hurley D. Wellington Guelph GO

Hurley John Wellington Guelph GO

Husband P.J. Wellington Guelph GO

Hussey A. Wellington Guelph GO

Imes & Davidson Company Wellington Guelph Guelph Guelph Mercury GO

Jackson D. Wellington Guelph GO

Jackson J. Wellington Guelph GO

Jackson John Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Jackson W. Wellington Guelph GO

Jeffries Thomas Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Johnson William Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Kay J. Wellington Guelph GO

Kay W. Wellington Guelph GO

Kee J.H. Wellington Guelph GO

Keeler P. Wellington Guelph GO

Kelcher D. Wellington Guelph GO

Keleher P. Wellington Guelph GO

Kelly J.W. Wellington Guelph GO

Kennedy Alexander Wellington Guelph GO

Kennedy Alexander Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Kennedy D. Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Keough J. Wellington Guelph GO

Keough J. Jr. Wellington Guelph GO

Keough W. Wellington Guelph GO

Kern W. Wellington Guelph GO

Kerr A.J. Wellington Guelph Guelph Manager of Bank of Montreal GO

Kinsmill J.J. Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Knight Charles Wellington Guelph GO

Knowles R. Wellington Guelph GO

Laidlaw James Wellington Guelph GO

Laidlaw John Wellington Guelph GO

Laidlaw Thomas Wellington Guelph GO

Laird John Wellington Guelph GO

Lemon A. Wellington Guelph Guelph Barrister GO

Lillie J. Wellington Guelph GO

Lister Thomas Wellington Guelph GO

Loch & Galbraith Company Wellington Guelph Guelph Grocers & Wine Merchants GO

Lowal F. Wellington Guelph GO

Lowry W. Wellington Guelph GO

Luttrell A. Wellington Guelph GO

Lyons B.H. Wellington Guelph GO

Macdonald A. Wellington Guelph Guelph Judge GO

MacLean K. Wellington Guelph Guelph Barrister GO

Malloy P. Wellington Guelph GO

Manderson J. Wellington Guelph GO

Manderson Thomas Wellington Guelph GO

Marsh & Co. Company Wellington Guelph Guelph Guelph Herald GO

Martin A. Wellington Guelph GO

Matthews H. Wellington Guelph GO

Mayer S. Wellington Guelph GO

McBean, A. & Co. Wellington Guelph Guelph Hardware Merchants GO

McCorkindale A. Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

McCorkindale A. Wellington Guelph GO

McCorkindale J. Wellington Guelph GO

McCorkindale J. Sr. Wellington Guelph GO

McCrae T. Wellington Guelph GO

McCrae William Wellington Guelph GO

McCrae & Co. Company Wellington Guelph Guelph Woolen Manufacturers GO

McCuan W. Wellington Guelph GO

McCulloch George Wellington Guelph GO

McDonald A. Wellington Guelph GO

McDonald E. Wellington Guelph GO

McDonald J. Wellington Guelph GO

McDonald Laughlin Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

McDonald W. Wellington Guelph GO

McDougall Hugh Wellington Guelph GO

McGinn Felix Wellington Guelph GO

McGrogan Wellington Guelph GO

McIntosh A. Wellington Guelph GO

McIntosh D. Wellington Guelph GO

McIntosh John Wellington Guelph GO

McIntosh R. Wellington Guelph GO

McPean, A. & Co. Company Wellington Guelph Guelph Hardware Merchants GO

McQueen Wellington Guelph GO

McQuillan J. Wellington Guelph GO

McQuillan P. Wellington Guelph GO

McUan S. Wellington Guelph GO

Mercer & Day Company Wellington Guelph Guelph Planing Mills GO

Messenger D. Wellington Guelph GO

Metcalf G.B. Wellington Guelph GO

Mickle Charles Wellington Guelph GO

Mickle J. Wellington Guelph GO

Millar J. Wellington Guelph GO

Millar R. Wellington Guelph GO

Miller Jacob Wellington Guelph GO

Milman J. Wellington Guelph GO

Milne A. Wellington Guelph GO

Mitchell J. Wellington Guelph GO

Mitchell Richard Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Mitchell Robert Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Moon Hugh Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Morgan J. Wellington Guelph GO

Morrill James Wellington Guelph GO

Morris E. Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Mounce R. Wellington Guelph GO

Murphy J. Wellington Guelph GO

Murphy Joseph Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Murray G. Wellington Guelph GO

Mutree John Wellington Guelph GO

Myers J. Wellington Guelph GO

Nesbit H. Wellington Guelph GO

Nesbit T. Wellington Guelph GO

Nevills Wellington Guelph GO

Newstead J. Wellington Guelph GO

Norris J. Wellington Guelph GO

O'Connor D. Wellington Guelph GO

O'Connor J. Wellington Guelph GO

O'Connor T. Wellington Guelph GO

O'Donnell John Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Orr Mary Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Owens Wellington Guelph GO

Pallister Richard Wellington Guelph GO

Palmer A. Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Parker W.H. Wellington Guelph GO

Parsons Wellington Guelph GO

Paterson W. Wellington Guelph GO

Patterson George Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Patterson J. Wellington Guelph GO

Patterson R. Wellington Guelph GO

Patterson W. Wellington Guelph GO

Peterson Henry William Wellington Guelph Guelph County Crown Attorney GO

Pigol M. Wellington Guelph GO

Pipe J. Wellington Guelph GO

Pipe John Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Porter James Wellington Guelph GO

Porter William Wellington Guelph GO

Powell C. Wellington Guelph GO

Powell T. Wellington Guelph GO

Quarry A. Wellington Guelph GO

Quarry C. Wellington Guelph GO

Quarry G. Wellington Guelph GO

Rawson Francis Wellington Guelph GO

Reading J. Wellington Guelph GO

Reading S. Wellington Guelph GO

Reist J.H. Wellington Guelph GO

Reynolds William Wellington Guelph Guelph County Treasurer GO

Richardson Wellington Guelph GO

Rife Samuel Wellington Guelph GO

Ritchie A. Wellington Guelph GO

Ritchie A. Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Robinson T. Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Sallows B. Wellington Guelph GO

Sallows John Wellington Guelph GO

Sanders H.J. H.J. Wellington Guelph GO

Sanderson H. Wellington Guelph GO

Sanderson Hugh Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Sandilands G. Wellington Guelph GO

Sandilands G.W. Wellington Guelph Guelph Manager of Bank of Commerce GO

Scroggie John Wellington Guelph GO

Seifrid Wellington Guelph GO

Sharp C. Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Sharpe, C. & A. Company Wellington Guelph Guelph Seed Merchants GO

Sherrington Wellington Guelph GO

Shortreed John Wellington Guelph GO

Shutt John Wellington Guelph GO

Shutt Louis Wellington Guelph GO

Simpson James Wellington Guelph GO

Simpson Robert Wellington Guelph GO

Smart J. Wellington Guelph GO

Smith John Wellington Guelph GO

Smith T. Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Snelling G. Wellington Guelph GO

Sorby Walter Wellington Guelph GO

Spiers Wellington Guelph GO

Spiers John Wellington Guelph GO

Stevenson Wellington Guelph GO

Stevenson William Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Stewart E.M. Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Stewart J. Wellington Guelph GO

Sunley Wellington Guelph GO

Sunley N. Wellington Guelph GO

Sunley William Wellington Guelph Guelph Stove Dealer GO

Swedman M. Wellington Guelph GO

Sweetman M.Jr. Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Sweetnam M. Wellington Guelph GO

Taylor Wellington Guelph GO

Taylor John Wellington Guelph GO

Thompson E.V. Wellington Guelph GO

Thompson John Wellington Guelph GO

Thompson R. Wellington Guelph GO

Thompson & Jackson Company Wellington Guelph Guelph Land & Loan Agents GO

Thring Wellington Guelph GO

Thurtell George D. Wellington Guelph GO

Tolton H. Wellington Guelph GO

Tolton J. Wellington Guelph GO

Torrance R. Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Tracey M. Wellington Guelph GO

Tuck C. Wellington Guelph GO

Vail Wellington Guelph GO

Vance A. Wellington Guelph GO

Walker C. Wellington Guelph GO

Wallace Douglas Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Watson C. Wellington Guelph GO

Watson H. Wellington Guelph GO

Watson J. Wellington Guelph Guelph County Registrar GO

Watson William Wellington Guelph GO

Watt James Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Wells Arthur Wellington Guelph Guelph Post Office GO

West John Wellington Guelph GO

West W. Wellington Guelph GO

White A. Wellington Guelph GO

White Eliza Wellington Guelph GO

White Robert Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Whitelaw T. Wellington Guelph GO

Whitelaw W. Wellington Guelph GO

Whiteside George Wellington Guelph GO

Whiteside Joseph Wellington Guelph Guelph GO

Williams, J.D. & Co. Company Wellington Guelph Guelph Dry Goods GO

Williamson J.D. J.D. Wellington Guelph GO

Wilson A. Wellington Guelph GO

Wilson George Wellington Guelph GO

Wilson James Wellington Guelph GO

Wilson W. Wellington Guelph GO

Wilson William Wellington Guelph GO

Winfield G. Wellington Guelph GO

Winfield J. Wellington Guelph GO

Woodhouse J. Wellington Guelph GO

Worswick E. Wellington Guelph GO

Worswick K. Wellington Guelph GO

Wright J. Wellington Guelph GO

Wright John Wellington Guelph GO

Young H. Wellington Guelph GO

Zimmerman J. Wellington Guelph GO