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Fabre d'Églantine, Philippe François Nazaire (1750-1794)
Fardeau, Urbain
Fauché-Borel, Louis (1762-1829)
Favorita, Battle of the (16 January 1797)
Ferdinand, Prince
Ferrand, Jacques (1758-1808) General
Ferrara, Castle of
Fesch, Cardinal Joseph (1763-1839)
Finkenstein, Treaty of (4 May 1807)
Fitzgerald, William Thomas (1759-1829)
Fleurus, Battle of (26 June 1794)
Fleurus, Comat of (15 June 1815)
Fontainebleau Palace
Fontanes, Louis de (1757-1821)
Fouché, Joseph, duc d'Otrante (1759-1820)
Fourcroy, Antoine-François de (1755-1809)
Fourès, Pauline, dit La Bellilote (1778-1869)
Fox, Charles James (1749-1806)
Foy, Maximilien-Sébastien, Comte (1775-1825) général
Francis II / I, Emperor of Austria (1768-1835)
François I, King of France (1494-1547)
Franklin, Benjamin (1706-1790)
Frederica Louise Wilhelmina, Princess of Orange (1770-1819)
Frederick William II, King of Prussia (1744-1797)
Frederick William III, King of Prussia (1770-1840)
Frederick, King of Wurtemberg (1754-1816)
Frégeville, Charles-Louis-Joseph de Gau (1762-1841)
French Revolution (1789)
French troops
French troops -- bad conduct
French troops -- conscripts
French troops -- courage
French troops -- daily life
French troops -- military review
French troops -- uniforms
French troops -- uniforms -- Second Empire
French troops -- values
Friant, Louis, comte (1758-1829) General
Friedland, Battle of (14 June 1807)
Fuentes de Oñoro, Battle of (3-5 May 1811)
Fugières, General
Furcy-Vernois, Nicolas (1773-?)

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