Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project
Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project

Author [ Wu Lanwan]

吳蘭畹﹐清道光咸豐年間人﹐女﹐字宛之﹐常熟人(今江蘇常熟)。Related Materials: 著有 《灌香草堂詩詞》﹐《沅蘭詞》。光宣荊宜續志﹐(徐乃昌)閨秀詞鈔﹐閨秀詞話有著錄。有熊文烺﹐張仲遠﹐徐襄﹐周家楣﹐陳元祿﹐蘇性敬序﹐熊文瀚,孔憲勲,莫均,鄭宗岱,朱鍔,潘家鈺,崔喜澍,張光藻,謝學元,游觀第,徐家傑,崔迺翬,湯有仁,吳蘭頤,傅綸題辭。

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[ Individual collections in this database authored by 吳蘭畹 Wu Lanwan ]
Guan xiang cao tang shi chu gao:1 juan (by Wu Lanwan, Qing Dynasty)
- (All texts in this collection authored by 吳蘭畹 Wu Lanwan )
[ anthologies in this database containing works by 吳蘭畹 Wu Lanwan ]
Gui xiu ci chao: 16 juan (edited by Xu Naichang, Qing dynasty)
- (All texts in this collection authored by 吳蘭畹 Wu Lanwan )
職思居姑存草:一卷(清吳蘭澤撰)。 清光緒二十五年(1899)洪都致知書局鉛印本
Zhi shi ju gu cun cao:1 juan (by Wu Lanze, Qing Dynasty)
- (All texts in this collection authored by 吳蘭畹 Wu Lanwan )
[ remarks and biographies on 吳蘭畹 Wu Lanwan ]
《歷代婦女著作考》 P. 318 著錄 作者: 胡文楷
吳蘭畹[略傳] Wu Lanwan [lüe zhuan]  作者/Author﹕ 徐乃昌 Xu Naichang
論吳宛之詞 Lun Wu Wanzhi ci  作者/Author﹕ 雷瑨 Lei Jin
論吳宛之詞 Lun Wu Wanzhi ci  作者/Author﹕ 雷瑊 Lei Jian
[ Correspondence, etc. ]
附三兒之駿同作集句(四首) Fu san er Zhijun tong zuo ji ju (si shou)  作者﹕任之駿 Ren Zhijun
附三兒之駿同作集句 Fu san er Zhijun tong zuo ji ju  作者﹕任之駿 Ren Zhijun
附三兒之駿同作集句七首 Fu san er Zhijun tong zuo ji ju qi shou  作者﹕任之駿 Ren Zhijun
附三兒之駿同作集唐八首原韻 Fu san er Zhijun tong zuo ji tang ba shou yuan yun  作者﹕任之駿 Ren Zhijun

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