Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project
Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project

Author [ Wang Jinzhu]


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Writings of 王金珠 Wang Jinzhu﹕
In 歷朝名媛詩詞﹕十二卷(清陸昶輯)。清乾隆三十八年(1773)紅樹樓刻本 Li chao ming yuan shi ci: 12 juan (edited by Lu Chang, Qing dynasty)
詩 shi: 子夜四時歌﹕春歌(三首): Zi ye si shi ge: Chun ge 2.17a
詩 shi: 子夜四時歌﹕夏歌(二首): Zi ye si shi ge: Xia ge 2.17b
詩 shi: 子夜四時歌﹕春歌(三首): Zi ye si shi ge: Chun ge 2.17b
詩 shi: 子夜四時歌﹕夏歌(二首): Zi ye si shi ge: Xia ge 2.18a
詩 shi: 子夜四時歌﹕秋歌: Zi ye si shi ge: Qiu ge 2.18a
詩 shi: 子夜四時歌﹕冬歌: Zi ye si shi ge: Dong ge 2.18a
詩 shi: 子夜變歌: Zi ye bian ge 2.18b
詩 shi: 上聲歌: Shang sheng ge 2.18b
In 古今女史﹕十二卷﹐詩集﹕八卷﹐附姓氏字里詳節﹕一卷(明趙世杰輯)。明崇禎(1628-1644)問奇閣刻本 Gu jin nü shi: 12 juan, shi ji: 8 juan, fu Xing shi zi li xiang jie: 1 juan (edited by Zhao shijie, Ming dynasty)
詩 shi: 子夜四時歌﹕春歌: Zi ye si shi ge: Chun ge 1.20b
詩 shi: 子夜四時歌﹕夏歌: Zi ye si shi ge: Xia ge 1.20b
詩 shi: 子夜四時歌﹕秋歌(二首) : Zi ye si shi ge: Qiu ge 1.21a
詩 shi: 子夜四時歌﹕冬歌: Zi ye si shi ge: Dong ge 1.21a
In 名媛彙詩﹕二十卷(明鄭文昂編)。張正岳明泰昌元年(1620)刻本。 Ming yuan hui shi: 20 juan (by Zheng Wenang, Ming dynasty)
詩 shi: 子夜四時歌: 夏歌: Zi ye si shi ge: Xia ge 1.25a
詩 shi: 子夜四時歌: 春歌: Zi ye si shi ge: Chun ge 1.25a
詩 shi: 子夜四時歌: 夏歌: Zi ye si shi ge: Xia ge 1.25b
詩 shi: 子夜四時歌: 冬歌: Zi ye si shi ge: Dong ge 1.25b
詩 shi: 子夜四時歌: 秋歌: Zi ye si shi ge: Qiu ge 1.25b
In 名媛詩歸﹕三十六卷(鍾惺點次)。明末(1621-1644)刻本 Ming yuan shi gui: 36 juan (edited by Zhong Xing, Ming dynasty)
詩 shi: 子夜四時歌﹕春歌(三首) : Zi ye si shi ge: Chun ge 6.12a
詩 shi: 子夜四時歌﹕夏歌(二首) : Zi ye si shi ge: Xia ge 6.12b
詩 shi: 子夜四時歌﹕春歌(三首) : Zi ye si shi ge: Chun ge 6.12b
詩 shi: 子夜四時歌﹕秋歌(二首) : Zi ye si shi ge: Qiu ge 6.13a
詩 shi: 子夜四時歌﹕夏歌(二首) : Zi ye si shi ge: Xia ge 6.13a
詩 shi: 子夜四時歌﹕冬歌: Zi ye si shi ge: Dong ge 6.13b
詩 shi: 子夜四時歌﹕秋歌(二首) : Zi ye si shi ge: Qiu ge 6.13b
詩 shi: 歡聞歌: Huan wen ge 6.14a
詩 shi: 上聲歌: Shang sheng ge 6.14a
詩 shi: 子夜變歌: Zi ye bian ge 6.14a
詩 shi: 團扇郎: Tuan shan lang 6.14b
詩 shi: 歡聞變歌: Huan wen bian ge 6.14b
詩 shi: 歡聞歌: Huan wen ge 6.14b
詩 shi: 阿子歌: A zi ge 6.15a
詩 shi: 丁督護歌: Ding du hu ge 6.15a
In 宮閨文選:二十六卷,姓氏小錄 : 一卷(清周壽昌輯訂)。道光二十六年(1846)開雕 Gong gui wen xuan: 26 juan, Xing shi xiao lu: 1 juan (edited by Zhou Shouchang)
詩 shi: 子夜四時歌: Zi ye si shi ge 12.6a
詩 shi: 子夜變歌: Zi ye bian ge 12.6b
詩 shi: 上歌聲: Shang ge sheng 12.7a
詩 shi: 歡聞歌: Huan wen ge 12.7a
詩 shi: 歡聞變歌: Huan wen bian ge 12.7a
詩 shi: 團扇郎: Tuan shan lang 12.7a
詩 shi: 丁都護歌: Ding du hu ge 12.7b
詩 shi: 阿子歌: Azi ge 12.7b
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