
The Life of Emily Carr - Title Page

Blanchard, Paula
The life of Emily Carr. Seattle: University of Washington Press, c1987.
Catalogue Number
ND249 C3 B55 1987 Rare Book Division Max Stern Collection
This biography of Emily Carr (1871-1945) contains the author's presentation inscription to Dr. Max Stern, dated 9/28/87. Stern had died four months earlier. The text refers to Stern's role in promoting Carr's work. He had been in Canada less than four years when he went out west to scout for art and met her in Victoria BC. He held "the culminating show of her career in 1944 at Dominion Gallery" (p. 288-289). "Paintings and Watercolours by Emily Carr, October 19 - November 4 [1944]" was her first sale in a commercial gallery and the most successful sales exhibition in her lifetime. She died not long afterwards. Works she had sent to Stern upon his request after this first success were not shown until the "Emily Carr Memorial Exhibition" at the Gallery in November 1945. Lawren Harris, one of two artistic executors and trustees of her estate, appointed Stern to sell works to raise money for the Emily Carr Trust. Stern received many paintings from the Trust and "made a killing" selling her work, especially to private collectors in Montreal. Those words quoted from Mortimer Lamb can be found in the biography by Maria Tippett, Emily Carr: a Biography (1979; winner of the Governor General's Award), published during Stern's lifetime. Interestingly, he did not own it. It should also be noted, however, that Max Stern kept many of Carr's works in his collection, later donating them to public institutions.

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