Title: Stone Wall Villa in Dundas, Ontario
Location: Dundas (Ont.)
Date: Bond Head and Dundas Period (1849-1864)
Physical Description: image.photograph.black and white
10.9 x 6.4 cm including borders
10.3 x 5.6 cm excluding borders
Image Number: CUS_031-015B_P
Description: Stone Wall Villa in Dundas, Ontario, where William Osler is thought to have lived for a period of three years. The structure is identified by a note on the back of the photo, written by Mrs. Charlotte E. Gwyn, William Osler's sister.
Notes: Stone Wall Villa Dundas Sir William lived here about three years - (Mrs Gwyn's writing). (transcribed from back of photo)
Subject Dundas (Ont.)
Subject Osler, William, Sir, 1849-1919 -- Homes and haunts
Publisher: Osler Library of the History of Medicine, McGill University
is Part Of: Cushing Collection
Image Is Related To: Back

This item is the property of the Osler Library of McGill University. For information about acquiring a copy and/or permission to reproduce an image, please contact the Osler Library.