Title: Osler and Neighbour Children at the Perram Farm, Tecumseth, 1855 or 1856
Location: Bond Head (Ont.)
Date: 1855 or 1856
Bond Head and Dundas Period (1849-1864)
Creator: Perram, Mr.
Physical Description: image.photograph.black and white
12.8 x 13.4 cm
Image Number: CUS_031-001_P
Description: A group photo at the Perram farm, a neighbour to the Oslers, in 1855 or 1856. From left to right, William, Francis, Edmund, Edward, Ellen Mary and Charlotte E Osler, with Ellen and Lydia Perram, Henrietta Gaviller, Mrs. Perram and Walter Perram. This photo was taken by Mr. Perram.
Subject Osler family
Subject Osler, William, Sir, 1849-1919 -- Friends and associates
Subject Tecumseth (Ont. : Township)
Subject Children's clothing
Subject Women's clothing
Subject Bond Head (Ont.)
Subject Osler, William, Sir, 1849-1919
Publisher: Osler Library of the History of Medicine, McGill University
is Part Of: Cushing Collection
This item is the property of the Osler Library of McGill University. For information about acquiring a copy and/or permission to reproduce an image, please contact the Osler Library.
Location: Bond Head (Ont.)
Date: 1855 or 1856
Bond Head and Dundas Period (1849-1864)
Creator: Perram, Mr.
Physical Description: image.photograph.black and white
12.8 x 13.4 cm
Image Number: CUS_031-001_P
Description: A group photo at the Perram farm, a neighbour to the Oslers, in 1855 or 1856. From left to right, William, Francis, Edmund, Edward, Ellen Mary and Charlotte E Osler, with Ellen and Lydia Perram, Henrietta Gaviller, Mrs. Perram and Walter Perram. This photo was taken by Mr. Perram.
Subject Osler family
Subject Osler, William, Sir, 1849-1919 -- Friends and associates
Subject Tecumseth (Ont. : Township)
Subject Children's clothing
Subject Women's clothing
Subject Bond Head (Ont.)
Subject Osler, William, Sir, 1849-1919
Publisher: Osler Library of the History of Medicine, McGill University
is Part Of: Cushing Collection
This item is the property of the Osler Library of McGill University. For information about acquiring a copy and/or permission to reproduce an image, please contact the Osler Library.