聽松樓遺稿: 四卷(清陳爾士撰) | |
Owning institution | Sun Yat-sen University Library (call number: 16173) |
Title | 聽松樓遺稿: 四卷(清陳爾士撰) |
Title (Pinyin): | Ting song lou yi gao: 4 juan (by Chen Ershi, Qing dynasty) |
Work Type: | 別集 |
Author: | 陳爾士 Chen Ershi |
Contributors: | 金孝維 Jin Xiaowei (序作者) 王照圓 Wang Zhaoyuan (序作者) 董祐誠 Dong Youcheng (序作者) |
Publication Statement: | 道光元年辛巳(1821)刊本 |
Publisher: | |
Publisher (Pinyin): | |
Place of Publication: | |
Place of Publication (Pinyin): | |
Date: | 1821 |
Chinese Date: | Dynasty: 清 |
Reign Period: 道光元年 | |
Cycle: 辛巳 | |
Chinese Date (Pinyin): | Dynasty: Qing |
Reign Period: Daoguang yuan nian | |
Cycle: Xinsi | |
Number of Ce: | 1 |
Number of Juan: | 1+1+1+1 |
Physical Description: | |
Summary: | |
Contents: | |
Notes: | |
Preface: | 金孝維, 王照圓,董祐誠序 |
Colophon: | |
Illustrations: | |
Inscriptional Verse: | |
Fanli: | |
References: | 歷代婦女著作考601頁 | Back |